Acts 1: Jesus Commissions and Sends His Disciples and Ascends to Heaven
The book’s introduction recounts how the risen Jesus spent some 40 days with his disciples teaching them “about the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3), connecting back to the story of Luke’s gospel (the author of Luke and Acts.) In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus claimed that he was restoring God’s Kingdom over the world. As such, the book of Acts begins with the risen King Jesus instructing the disciples about life in his Kingdom.
In Acts 1, Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will soon come and immerse them with his personal presence, fulfilling one of the key hopes in the Old Testament Prophets. The promise is that in Jesus’s Kingdom, God’s presence, or his Spirit, would take up residence among his people in a new temple, transforming their hearts (Isa. 32:15, Ezek. 36:26-27, Joel 2:28-32). Jesus says that when this happens, the Spirit will empower his disciples “to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8.)
From here, Jesus is taken up from their sight in a cloud to sit at the right hand of God until His return.
~Refuge Takeaways: Available. Available to receive the Gospel. Available to receive the Holy Spirit. Available to wait on God’s promises. Available to meet with God. Available to be used by God.
The book’s introduction recounts how the risen Jesus spent some 40 days with his disciples teaching them “about the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3), connecting back to the story of Luke’s gospel (the author of Luke and Acts.) In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus claimed that he was restoring God’s Kingdom over the world. As such, the book of Acts begins with the risen King Jesus instructing the disciples about life in his Kingdom.
In Acts 1, Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will soon come and immerse them with his personal presence, fulfilling one of the key hopes in the Old Testament Prophets. The promise is that in Jesus’s Kingdom, God’s presence, or his Spirit, would take up residence among his people in a new temple, transforming their hearts (Isa. 32:15, Ezek. 36:26-27, Joel 2:28-32). Jesus says that when this happens, the Spirit will empower his disciples “to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8.)
From here, Jesus is taken up from their sight in a cloud to sit at the right hand of God until His return.
~Refuge Takeaways: Available. Available to receive the Gospel. Available to receive the Holy Spirit. Available to wait on God’s promises. Available to meet with God. Available to be used by God.